Sorry, we can't find your username and/or password in the AAPT database.
Some reasons this might be happening:
Note that your AAPT account is not the same as your account on PhysPort.
It looks like you are a student.
Only non-student members of AAPT can get instant educator verification.
If you still think you should have access, here's what to do if you are:
Instant Verification Issue
Thank you for your interest in PhysPort. Because your account is classified as an AAPT Sustaining Membership, we will need some more information about how you wish to use these materials. PhysPort restricted resources are available only for instructor use in courses or for use in education research studies.
Please use our non-member educator verification process, and under “Work website”, tell us more about your interest in full access to PhysPort or possible collaboration.
Verification may take 1-2 business days.
Verification may take 1-2 business days. We will email you when access is available.
We need an email address associated with your institution so that we can verify that you are who you say you are. This may or may not be the same as the email you use for your account.
Provide us with a link to a page at your institution that shows you are an educator: Things you can put in this box:
- URL of a website at your institution that lists you as a faculty member, teacher, instructor, or education researcher (preferred)
- URL of a journal article or conference description that lists you as an author or participant, and includes your email address
- an explanation of another way we can verify that you are an educator
- :
Provide us with a link to a page at your institution that shows you are an educator

(or with other information we can use to verify your educator status)