Data Explorer Terms of Use
By uploading data to this site, you agree to the following terms:
- You consent to allow us to use your data in aggregate form to perform analyses for informing instruction and for research.
- You must be an educator using this site in order to inform your own teaching or the teaching in your department.
- You must *not* knowingly provide false information or incorrect data in any form on this site.
- To protect the anonymity of your students, we transform your students' names and/or IDs into unique identifiers that can't be linked back to their identities, but can be used to match pre and post scores. To prevent long-term storage of student names and IDs, we delete partially imported files after 4 hours of inactivity.
- You may use the comparisons of your data to national data on this site for your own instructional purposes in your own classroom and department. You may also use them for promoting your teaching in your tenure and promotion files, or in job applications.
- You may not use the comparisons of your data to national data on this site for commercial purposes, publish them, or post them on a publicly available website without our permission.
- If you wish to conduct research on the analysis of your own data on the Data Explorer, you must secure human subjects permission from your institution.
- If you wish to conduct research on the aggregate data in the Data Explorer, please contact us.
To protect the security of research-based assessment instruments, you will *not*:
- post them on a non-secured website
- allow students to take copies of them home
- share them with anyone, other than co-instructors or students doing education research with you, who have agreed to these guidelines