
In 2022, the American Physical Society and the American Astronomical Society joined the American Association of Physics Teachers to expand the reach of the Faculty Teaching Institute (formerly known as the New Faculty Workshop). Financial support is provided by the National Science Foundation. The FTI is a professional development program for physics and astronomy faculty focused on effective and inclusive teaching practices with a documented impact in the physics community. 

Click here to read the most recent Physics and Astronomy Faculty Teaching Institute: Public Evaluation Report published in winter 2024 based on the June and November 2023 cohort data.

Some survey respondents provided glowing praise:

  • “I really enjoyed spending so much time with so many other early-career faculty, and at similar institutions. It was *especially* useful to hear their perspectives, learn that my concerns and difficulties were more common than I thought, and brainstorm some strategies for addressing them.” - June 2023 Workshop Participant
  • “The workshop was vibrant and energetic. The FTI team was welcoming and did a great job at structuring the sessions and providing meaningful content.” - November 2023 Workshop Participant
  • “[T]he workshop was extremely helpful! The presenters addressed changes that could be made to courses depending on the audience (introductory vs. upper-level courses, for example), while explaining that these active-learning techniques work for all levels.” - June 2023 Workshop Participant

Read more about the FTI’s impact: