Faculty Online Learning Community (FOLC)

What is a Faculty Online Learning Community?

FTI alumni are invited to join a FOLC to be partnered with a small group of colleagues from their FTI Workshop and two expert facilitators. FOLC participants meet virtually every other week, supporting each other as they hear from guests (typically practitioners of methods and ideas they want to learn more about) and each other about their teaching journey. The FOLC provides a support community to troubleshoot challenges and to celebrate successes. The FOLC will also support participants in completing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning project. Past FOLC participants reported being in the FOLC helped them successfully implement new teaching strategies, increased their reflection about teaching, increased their confidence as teachers, and increased their knowledge about teaching. Although being in the FOLC takes time, most participants report it saved them time overall because the FOLC reduced the time they spent learning about teaching strategies and troubleshooting challenges.