Periscope Lessons


Instructor Interaction
-Pedagogy Content

STEM-wide audiences
-Physics Content

55 Lessons
Episode Pinewood derby Western Washington University
Episode Hello University of Maryland
Do students have the right to be told whether they are correct? Not giving the answer, Coping with frustration Energy Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Keep arguing Florida International University
How can I assess group work in a way that is equitable? Promoting equity Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Keep arguing Florida International University
How can I assess students in a class emphasizing group work? Facilitating collaboration Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Depth University of Maryland
How can I bring out students' ideas? Attending to student ideas Pressure Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Jump up University of Maryland
How can I design effective collaborative tasks for students? Facilitating collaboration Electrostatics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Scratched University of Maryland
How can I encourage productive student debate? Facilitating collaboration Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Normal force University of Colorado Boulder
How can I move students toward a solution? Developing student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Still love us Seattle Pacific University
How can I show care for my students? Relating to students Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Zero mass Seattle Pacific University
How can I show students that I expect explanations? Not giving the answer, Questioning strategies Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Gravitational energy Florida International University
How can I support discussion of multiple solutions? Facilitating collaboration Energy Instructor Interaction
Episode Scratched University of Maryland
How can I support students who are angry about science concepts? Coping with frustration Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Physicsy brains Seattle Pacific University
How can I tailor a task to a specific group of students? Tailoring instruction Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Moving box Florida International University
How can I use a "board meeting" to facilitate student learning? Facilitating collaboration Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Ranking forces University of Colorado Boulder
How can I use questions to help students build an idea? Questioning strategies Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode Scratched University of Maryland
How can instructors avoid reinforcing social stereotypes? Promoting equity Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Trying to think Florida International University
How do students reach agreement? Facilitating collaboration Energy
Episode Punch you Texas State University
How does teaching shape a person’s self-image? Relating to students Kinematics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Keep arguing Florida International University
How does the culture of a community show up in a physics class? Promoting equity Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Unwinding University of Colorado Boulder
How should I facilitate a content preparation session? Facilitating collaboration Newton's laws, Rotation Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Punch you Texas State University
How should instructors handle their own mistakes? Coping with frustration Kinematics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Newton University of Colorado Boulder
How should teaching assistants prepare for a physics tutorial? Newton's laws, Rotation STEM-wide audiences
Episode Soft bed University of Maryland
Should I choose physics tasks that connect to everyday life? Promoting equity Pressure STEM-wide audiences
Episode Change in velocity Texas State University
What are some benefits of a tutorial preparation session? Developing student ideas Kinematics
Episode If you disagree Seattle Pacific University
What are some of the gender dynamics that occur in science classes? Promoting equity Newton's laws STEM-wide audiences
Episode Baton Seattle Pacific University
What argumentation strategies do students use? Developing student ideas Momentum Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Pie Florida International University
What can differing communication styles add to a physics class? Promoting equity Energy Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Soft bed University of Maryland
What do students do to make it safe to share their ideas? Facilitating collaboration Pressure STEM-wide audiences
Episode No way University of Maryland
What do students think of surprising demonstrations? Coping with frustration Pressure Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Jump up University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about charge transfer? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics
Episode Sparks University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about charging by rubbing? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics
Episode Quilted University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about electronegativity? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics
Episode Pie Florida International University
What ideas do students have about energy changes? Developing student ideas Energy Instructor Interaction
Episode Kite University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about forces and fields? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws, Electrostatics
Episode Potholes University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about mechanical energy? Attending to student ideas Energy
Episode Baton Seattle Pacific University
What ideas do students have about momentum? Attending to student ideas Momentum Instructor Interaction
Episode Thought experiment Western Washington University
What ideas do students have about Newton's second law? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws
Episode Scratched University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about Newton's third law? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode Depth University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about pressure and depth? Attending to student ideas Pressure Instructor Interaction
Episode No way University of Maryland
What ideas do students have about pressure and volume? Attending to student ideas Pressure Instructor Interaction
Episode Newton University of Colorado Boulder
What ideas do students have about rotational dynamics? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws, Rotation
Episode Moving box Florida International University
What ideas do students have about static and kinetic friction? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode Equal weights Seattle Pacific University
What ideas do students have about tension and balancing? Attending to student ideas Newton's laws Instructor Interaction
Episode I've learned more Texas State University
Episode Newton University of Colorado Boulder
What if one student in a group has done the activity before? Facilitating collaboration Newton's laws, Rotation STEM-wide audiences
Episode Kite University of Maryland
What if one student in a group knows the right answer? Facilitating collaboration Newton's laws, Electrostatics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Torture University of Maryland
What instructor behaviors are frustrating for students? Coping with frustration Kinematics Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Tension University of Maryland
What is the effect of different kinds of instructor questions? Questioning strategies Newton's laws Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Sparks University of Maryland
What is there to learn from students that don't talk much? Attending to student ideas Electrostatics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Quilted University of Maryland
What scientific practices do students use in electrostatics? Developing student ideas Electrostatics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Tough luck University of Colorado Boulder
What should I do if the TAs don't know the right answer? Not giving the answer, Coping with frustration Newton's laws, Rotation Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Torture University of Maryland
Why might students not share their ideas? Attending to student ideas Kinematics Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode Keep arguing Florida International University
Why might students not want to argue in class? Coping with frustration Instructor Interaction STEM-wide audiences
Episode I've learned more Texas State University
Why should TAs work through a tutorial themselves? Kinematics STEM-wide audiences
Episode Jump up University of Maryland
Will students engage in evidence-based argumentation? Developing student ideas Electrostatics STEM-wide audiences