Density Survey (DS)

Developed by R. E. Yeend

Purpose To assess students’ understanding of density.
Format Multiple-choice
Duration 15 min
Focus Mechanics Content knowledge (density)
Level Intro college, High school, Middle school
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R. Yeend, M. Loverude, and B. Gonzalez, Student Understanding of Density: A Cross-age Investigation, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2001, Rochester, New York, 2001.
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Bronze Validation
This is the third highest level of research validation, corresponding to at least 3 of the validation categories below.

Research Validation Summary

Based on Research Into:

  • Student thinking

Studied Using:

  • Student interviews
  • Expert review
  • Appropriate statistical analysis

Research Conducted:

  • At multiple institutions
  • By multiple research groups
  • Peer-reviewed publication

The multiple-choice questions on the Density Survey were developed based on a survey of the literature and one-on-one interviews with seven high school students. The DS questions underwent expert review by three university faculty and six precollege science teachers. The DS has been given to over 750 middle school, high school, and college students and the results are published in one peer-reviewed paper. 


PhysPort provides translations of assessments as a service to our users, but does not endorse the accuracy or validity of translations. Assessments validated for one language and culture may not be valid for other languages and cultures.

Language Translator(s)  
German Philipp Bitzenbauer

If you know of a translation that we don't have yet, or if you would like to translate this assessment, please contact us!

Typical Results

Typical results on the Density Survey. MS 1 and 2 = middle school students, HS 1 and 2 = high school students, CS 1 and 2 = college students. From Yeed, Loverude and Gonzalez, 2001.

The latest version of the DS, released in 2001, is version 1.