clickers Recommendations
6 Recommendations are tagged with "clickers"

Where can I find good questions to use with clickers or Peer Instruction?
September 26, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort directorMany research-based teaching methods in physics, including Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment, and teaching with clickers, involve having your students discuss and answer multiple-choice conceptual questions. A challenge of using these methods is finding and writing good questions. This recommendation helps you find and write questions for your class.
Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment, clickers

Where can I find good activities for small group discussions?
September 26, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort directorNearly all research-based teaching methods in physics involve some kind of small group discussions of challenging conceptual activities. Finding good activities is an important component of making small group discussions work in your class. This recommendation includes links to collections where you can find activities to use in your class.
active learning, cooperative groups, SCALE-UP, Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment, clickers

How do I increase student interactivity when using PhET simulations in lecture?
June 28, 2016 by Stephanie Chasteen and Yuen-ying CarpenterPhET simulations are free, online interactive simulations for teaching and learning science. The impact of lecture demonstrations using PhET is greatly increased when students are given the opportunity to interact with the simulations. This article discusses facilitating student discussions, peer instruction, and interactive lecture demonstrations, with PhET.
active learning, PhET Interactive Simulations, lecture, interactive lecture demonstration, peer instruction, clickers

How can I get students to have productive discussions of clicker questions?
March 15, 2016 by Jenny Knight and Sarah Wise, University of Colorado - BoulderClicker questions are increasingly being used to stimulate student discussion and provide faculty and students with timely feedback. Research suggests that discussing clicker questions can lead to increased student learning, and that students exchanging constructive criticism can generate conceptual change.
What can you do as an instructor to encourage all students to have…
clickers, cooperative groups, active learning, best practices, peer instruction

Which polling method should I use for Peer Instruction?
February 10, 2016 by Sam McKagan, PhysPort DirectorSeveral research-based teaching methods, including Peer Instruction, CAE Think/Pair/Share, and Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment, involve asking students to discuss and answer multiple-choice conceptual questions in class. There are at least three methods of collecting students’ answers to these questions: clickers, flashcards, and show of hands. Lasry…
clickers, flashcards, Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment, active learning

Learning About Teaching Physics Podcasts
July 9, 2012 by Michael Fuchs and Stephanie ChasteenWe're getting the physics education research out of those stuffy journals and into your hands (or, rather, ears) with this little audio podcast. Co-hosted by veteran high school physics teacher Michael Fuchs and physicist and education researcher Stephanie Chasteen, each episode investigates a piece of the research literature and how it can relate to your classroom.
active learning, physics education research, lecture, learning styles, clickers, Peer Instruction, CAE Think-Pair-Share, demonstrations